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MezeHub Delivery and Shipping Terms / MezeHub uslovi za isporuku

English / Naš jezik

We all feel happier with the food we love. Now you can get it without leaving the comfort of your own home.

MezeHub offers several delivery/pickup/shipping options:

1) Curbside pickup at our store located at 11508 Schuylkill Rd, Rockville, MD 20852. Just select "curbside pickup" during check out. No minimum $ order requirement. You will be notify by email when your order is ready for pick up.

 2)  Front door delivery on MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY ONLY for products in stock at our Rockville warehouse in the DC Metro AreaAvailable on orders over $79. Our delivery driver typically leaves by 2pm, so please place your orders before 1pm. Delivery fee is $9.99

This map shows area we deliver.

meze hub

3) Nationwide Shipping - we strive to offer an outstanding shipping service. It may not always be the cheapest, but your items will arrive safe and delicious. Here is our pledge to you:

- Your order will ship within 1 business day - with one exception. We only ship frozen and refrigerated items by ground on Monday-Wednesday because UPS does not deliver reliably on weekends and won't guarantee transit time for ground shipments. We don't want your cold packages getting stuck in a hot warehouse all weekend. 

- We ship frozen, refrigerated and dry products nationwide to addresses in the lower 48 states

- We use high-quality, well-packed boxes to keep your items in good condition. All refrigerated items are shipped in premium insulated heavy-duty (but still light) polystyrene 1.5” styrofoam containers with a tight-fitting lid and further protected by a sturdy fitted box.

- All frozen items are packed in dry ice and must ship separately from other items (or the dry ice will freeze them). This adds to the cost as we are shipping 2 boxes.

- All refrigerated items are shipped with high-quality long-lasting frozen gel packs

- All frozen and refrigerated items must be shipped with a transit time of 2 days or less

- We do not currently ship some heavy items as shipping companies often drop the boxes, destroying all the contents in the box. This includes wine, beer, large glass water/syrup bottles, jars over 1.5kg and flour over 5kg.

Additional Information: 

Products that are currently sold out, we get new shipments every week, so please enter your email on product page and click "Notify Me" and we will let you know when they are back in stock. 

We recommend you provide a mobile phone number during check out so we can text message you when your order is out-for-delivery and when it’s delivered to your front door. (We will never give your mobile number to anyone.) Orders with refrigerated or frozen items will be transported in insulated cold carriers. We recommend you bring them inside promptly.

During the COVID-19 crisis we offer no-contact delivery - our gloved and masked drivers will leave it on your doorstep and text you that it’s been delivered.

 We deliver to these counties: Alexandria City, Arlington, Baltimore*, Baltimore City*, District of Columbia, Fairfax, Fairfax City, Falls Church City, Frederick, Howard, Loudoun, Manassas City, Manassas Park City, Montgomery, North Anne Arundel and Prince Georges.

*Deliveries to Baltimore City, Baltimore County and Anne Arundel are on Saturday's only. 

 Bon appetit!  

The MezeHub Team



Svi smo mi srećniji uz hranu koju volimo. Sada to možete imati, a da ne napuštate komfor vašeg doma.

MezeHub nudi nekoliko mogućnosti za isporuku (delivery) i preuzimanje (pickup):

1. Mozete izvrsiti preuzimanje porudžbine u našoj prodavnici na adresi: 11508 Schuylkill Rd, Rockville, MD 20852. Samo selektujte "curbside pickup. Ne postoji zahtjev za minimalni iznos porudžbine u ovom slučaju. Bićete obavješteni email-om kada je Vaša porudžbina spremna za preuzimanje.

2. Dostave su (Ponedljkom, Srijedom i Petkom) za Washington DC zonu za proizvode koji su trenutno na zalihama u našem skladištu u Rokvilu. Dostava je dostupna samo za porudžbine iznad $79. Mapa ispod pokazuje zonu koju pokrivamo. Naknada za isporuku je $9.99

meze hub

 3.  Nudimo i dostavu za kontinentalnu USA uključujući 44 drzave (izuzev Hawai i Aljaske) kao i dostavu za vojne uposlenike sa APO adresama,

- sve dostave su isporućene unutar jednog biznis dana prema carrierima koje koristimo,

- zaleđene proizvode i proizvode iz frižidera isporučujemo sa maksimalnim tranzitom od 2 dana i za tu svrhu koristimo visoko kvalitetne kutije od stiropora uz pakovanje sa suhim ledom ili zamrznutim gel pakovanjima u zavisnosti od toga da li je proizvod iz frižidera ili zamrzivača,

- trenutno ne isporučujemo vino, pivo, teške proizvode kao su staklene boce od 1.5L, tegle preko 1.3kg i brašno preko 5kg. 

 Proizvodi koji su trenutno rasprodati, ali ako unesete svoj email na produkt stranici i kliknite „Notify me“ i mi ćemo Vas obavjestit kada proizvod opet bude dostupan.

Preporučujemo da tokom poručivanja unesete svoj mobilni telefonski broj tako da Vam možemo kontaktirati sa tekstualnom porukom kada Vaša porudžbina bude na putu prema vašoj kućnoj adresi. (Mi nikada nećemo dati nikome na uvid Vaš broj telefona). Porudžbine koje sadrže smrznutu hranu i hranu iz frižidera mi transportujemo do Vas u izolovanim torbama koje održavaju potrebnu temperaturu. Preporučujemo da unesete namjernice sa ulaznih vrata u što kraćem mogućem roku.

Tokom epidemije COVID 2019 nudimo dostavu bez kontakta - naši vozači nose maske i rukavice, ostavićemo isporuku ispred Vaših vrata i poslati vam text poruku da smo Vam isporučili proizvode.

Dostavu vršimo u slijedećim okruzima: Alexandria City, Anne Arundel, Arlington, Baltimore, Baltimore City, District of Columbia, Fairfax, Fairfax City, Falls Church City, Frederick, Howard, Loudoun, Manassas City, Manassas Park City, Montgomery, North Anne Arundel and Prince Georges.

Vaš MezeHUB Tim