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Burek refers to a family of Ottoman pastries made with a thin flaky dough like filo or yukfa dough. It’s typically filled with meat, cheese, potatoes, and leafy vegetables like spinach. It comes in many forms and is widely consumed throughout the Balkans, the South Caucasus, Central Asia, the Levant, and in some parts of Eastern and Central Europe.

In the Balkans, burek goes by many names. Bosnian burek is referred to as pita and is perhaps one of the most well-known versions of burek in the Balkans. It’s filled with meat and rolled in spiral form before being cut into sections for serving. It can also be filled with other ingredients like cottage cheese (sirnica), spinach and cheese (zeljanica), and potatoes (krompiruša). 

In Romania, burek is known as plăcintă. In Bulgaria, it’s called banitsa while in Armenia, it’s referred to as boereg or byorek. Armenian boereg is made with phyllo dough that’s folded into triangles and filled with cheese, spinach, or ground beef.

Burek is known as boureki in Greece and börek or böreği in Turkey, where the dish may have originated from.

Now at MezeHub we offer all of these options - fresh baked or frozen unbaked. BUREK is always the perfect way to start your day!  A “must try” Balkan dish and can be enjoyed for breakfast, lunch, dinner and as a snack.

Instructions:  Preheat the oven to 400˚F, place the pie on the bottom rack (to ensure the bottom of the pie gets crispy) and bake for 30-40 minutes. The top of the pie should be browned and crispy.
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